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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Learning "How To" start a your coupon Collection & How to Go About Getting Your Local Sunday Newspaper Subscriptions

Inside each Sunday paper are  up to 3 Types of Coupon Inserts, Smart Source (SS), Red Plum (RP) or
Proctor & Gamble (P&G). I like to have 4 to 6 of each Sunday Paper Inserts!  Sounds a bit extreme huh?
To be able to start up your stockpile "goods" you will need to have several of the same coupon.

 Call your local paper to see what kind of deals they have and to ask these question! Before signing up.
  1. What coupon inserts does your paper carry?  (out of 3:  Smart Source, Red Plum and Proctor & Gamble) *This is very Important* Are paper Does Not Carry RedPlum! =(
  2. Do you offer just a Sunday paper deal or Weds & Sunday offer? We get ares for .75wk
  3. Do you offer any discount if I order multiple copies of your Sunday paper? Another Important question. You always want to maximize your saving on every "lil" thing!
You really should not pay no more than $1.50 - $2.00per wk per paper for a Sunday or weekend-only subscription. We pay 0.75a wk for Weds&Sun. papers.If your Local Paper Carry's all the inserts I may  suggest subscribing to 4-6 copies of the Sunday paper. (If its a good deal) This way as I mentioned above you will have several of the same coupon for you to start building up and maintain your stockpile.
     You can always ask Family, Friends , Neighbors and Coworkers for their coupon inserts if they do not use them! You may not have to buy a paper after you build up your "Resource Connections"
I have yet to build a good amount! I yet part time coupons from one Family member and 1SS a week from the other, Are coupons are low value and lack what most get in the Sunday's Paper. So I go out and buy minimum of 2 that we get here from Northern States. The Washington Post and The Daily News Press! Thank goodness we get those locally. Or I may have had to QUIT all together! Also Are RedPlum comes by mail! And those are also Hit and Miss! You can call them to get placed on their "Offical" Mailing list Or sign up on their website  If your local paper does not carry RedPlum. I have had no luck thus far!!!I have called,emailed and even talked with them on their Facebook page! But luckily the Washington Post and Daily News Press do carry all the Inserts. So If you have a similar problem always check your surrounded City's and if you leave in a small town check the "Bigger" City's  close to you.
    Also you have the option to print your coupons online at the places I recommend and use daily. And Load your stores Loyalty card with ecoupons! My recommend sites are located on the right hand side of this page and my homepage about midway down. Check them and start your coupon collection!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the follow, im following you back.

    i love Totsy


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